Thursday, April 26, 2012

John Hancock Long-Term Insurance

I started the day at Ameriprise Financial with a videoconference with a client. This piece of technology enables advisors to have clients outside of travel distance areas from the office. Some clients prefer to be in the comfort of their own homes, which is especially appealing for the older clients to which travel is an issue for them. In Mr. Pippitts case video conferencing allows him to have a client base as far as Florida and California.  The client we were reviewing needed her account summary updated and various financial strategy options explained to her. On of these was the John Hancock Long Term Care Insurance. This is insurance is important as it provides coverage that gives valuable support and financial resources which help to cover the cost of long-term care if a client needs in the future in the event of an illness, accident, or through the normal effects of aging. LTC helps to protect their assets, and give them the choice and control over where they receive care, including in their home.
            The clients who we were reviewing only had funds to last her until her early 80s. For retirees who outlive their retirement funds, they have three options in which to save: Spend less/Save more, Work longer or part take in more risker markets. The last option tends to less appealing for elder clients as they worry about losing what savings they do have and jeopardizing funds being left over for inheritance. 

            We then had a meeting with a REIT seller who was explaining the new products on option for Mr Pippitts clients to invest in. These REIT’s took the form of offices and multifamily. His particular firm had three in Austin, three in Dallas, one in Salt Lake City and another in Tennessee. This market seemed to be a worthwhile investment as it was discussed that 10 million units were needed to satisfy the predicted jump in demand over the next five years to come.

            Mr Pippitt advised me to watch the PBS series on Frontline called “Money, Power and Wall Street” This four part documentary helps to explain the fundamentals behind the economic crisis beginning in 2008 and give me a taster of what to expect before my visit to the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday. I’m super excited about my trip to New York, I will be sure to take lots of photos!

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